
Serie A preview — The Cagliari Enigma

by Niccolo Conte on August 12, 2010 · 2 comments

Cagliari has become an enigma, now that their old caoch, Alle­gri, has left for AC Milan, the team seems to have lit­tle direc­tion. With Alle­gri Cagliari played an attack­ing game, using the youth of the team to tire out oppo­nents, often play­ing through extremely excit­ing matches. But now, their leader has left, and Cagliari has […]


The Tele­graph this morn­ing con­firmed pre­vi­ous reports that Arse­nal is dis­cussing a trans­fer of Cagliari keeper Fed­erico Mar­che­tti for around $8.5 mil­lion.  Mar­che­tti has made it clear that he is seek­ing a trans­fer from the Serie A club and Arse­nal would seem­ingly be a good fit.  Most Serie A clubs have set­tled on their start­ing keeper […]


The Quiet Offseason of A.C. Milan

by Robert Hay on July 19, 2010 · 4 comments

The rumors fly­ing around the Inter­net recently have been focused on the makeup of the 2010–2011 Inter squad.  Will Balotelli move to Man­ches­ter or Lon­don (or Madrid)?  Will Maicon reunite with his for­mer man­ager?  At some point I think every player on the ros­ter has been rumored to move to another club. But what’s interesting […]


The Positives of the Buffon Injury

by Robert Hay on June 17, 2010 · 4 comments

By now you have undoubt­edly heard about the injury to Gigi Buf­fon and his ques­tion­able sta­tus for the remain­der of the World Cup.  Read­ing between the lines of the state­ments com­ing out of the Ital­ian camp it looks like pos­si­bly the best keeper in the world could actu­ally miss the entire World Cup.  And in […]


Cagliari Season taking a dip?

by Niccolo Conte on March 24, 2010 · 4 comments

Cagliari are known to play some fan­tas­tic foot­ball thanks to their coach, ever since he took over in 2008, Mas­si­m­il­iano Alle­gri brought an attack­ing spirit with his attack­ing 4–3–3. And after bring­ing this to Cagliari, they’ve been scar­ing teams all over the table, with their fast attack­ing foot­ball. And at the begin­ning of the season, […]


Lessons Learned from Giornata 24

by Robert Hay on February 15, 2010 · 1 comment

Objects in your mir­ror are closer than they appear Inter’s 0–0 draw at Napoli was their sec­ond draw in as many matches.  That cou­pled with AS Roma’s 4–1 result over Palermo means i Lupi are within seven points of the league leader.  The match also extends Roma’s win streak to six matches; their last draw […]

1 comment

Lessons Learned from Giornata 23

by Robert Hay on February 8, 2010 · 0 comments

This weekend’s action saw a move­ment in the top four and in the bot­tom four.  While one Roman club con­tin­ued its climb up the stand­ings, one con­tin­ued its slide down­ward.  The next Roma-Lazio match should prove quite an inter­est­ing con­trast. Roma makes a move into sec­ond place… Roma’s away record prior to this week­end — 3–5–3. […]