Meet The Writers

by The Gaffer on August 4, 2008

Meet the reg­u­lar con­trib­u­tors of Serie A Talk:

Nic­colo Conte began fol­low­ing foot­ball reli­giously at a young age, start­ing with Serie A and slowly expand­ing his hori­zons to other leagues around Europe and the world. With time, Nic­colo started a blog, Soc­cer Wrap Up, and began writ­ing for sites like Serie A Talk, Pre­mier­ship Talk, and Soc­cer­lens. While Niccolo’s ulti­mate goal in life is to become a foot­ball jour­nal­ist, watch­ing matches in the best sta­di­ums of the world, he’s more than happy to fol­low the beau­ti­ful game from his very own couch.

The Gaffer, founder of Serie A Talk, has been fol­low­ing football/soccer for more than 30 years. Born in Wales, he is a for­mer jour­nal­ist who now lives in Florida and spends his time ana­lyz­ing the influ­ence of soc­cer world­wide. His writ­ing cre­den­tials include The Palm Beach Post, Palm Beach Illus­trated, South Florida Sun-Sentinel and the now defunct Match­day Mag­a­zine.

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